Key take aways from 2023  Survey



Please indicate to what degree you would support or oppose each of the following types of development efforts in the county.


Recreation facilities and amenities (recreation centers, trails, parks, pools, splash pads, etc.)

Strongly support 48%

Somewhat support 46%

Somewhat oppose 4%

Strongly oppose 1%


Visitor services and amenities (visitor services, hotels, attractions, etc.)

Strongly support 26%

Somewhat support 54%

Somewhat oppose 13%

Strongly oppose 8%


Commercial businesses (retail and grocery stores, restaurants, etc.)

Strongly support 49%

Somewhat support 43%

Somewhat oppose 8%

Strongly oppose 1%


Light industrial businesses (call centers, warehouses, etc.)

Strongly support 25%

Somewhat support 41%

Somewhat oppose 23%

Strongly oppose 10%


Housing (single-family homes, multi-family apartments, small home parks)

Strongly support 58%

Somewhat support 34%

Somewhat oppose 5%

Strongly oppose 3%



Please indicate the rate of growth that you feel is most appropriate for Mariposa County.


Static (Little to no growth at all) 10%

Organic (Wait for growth to happen) 18%

Moderate (Pursue modest development in appropriate areas) 63%

Rapid (Aggressively pursue growth of all industries and housing) 8%


Please rate to what extent, if any, you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Please note, the following percentages preceded the short term rental survey and additional study findings  Those will be discussed over the course of a few meetings in the coming months.

Please reach out to:

Ben Goger for further information 209-742-1259


Property owners should be allowed to turn any property into a short-term rental

Strongly agree 15%

Somewhat agree 18%

Neither agree nor disagree 16%

Somewhat disagree 22%

Strongly disagree 28%


Short-term rentals should be regulated to mitigate impacts on neighborhoods (noise, parking, etc.)

Strongly agree 53%

Somewhat agree 31%

Neither agree nor disagree 7%

Somewhat disagree 4%

Strongly disagree 4%


There should be a maximum number of short-term rentals allowed in a community

Strongly agree 41%

Somewhat agree 23%

Neither agree nor disagree 18%

Somewhat disagree 7%

Strongly disagree 11%


The County should be more proactive about enforcing all  property codes

Strongly Agree 26%

Somewhat agree 22%

Neither agree nor disagree 32%

Somewhat disagree 14%

Strongly disagree 6%


Code enforcement should focus only on the most serious complaints (illegal activities, health/safety issues)

Strongly agree 36%

Somewhat agree 35%

Neither agree nor disagree 15%

Somewhat disagree 7%

Strongly disagree 7%


Property owners should be allowed to do whatever they want on their properties, regardless of impacts on others

Strongly agree 4%

Somewhat agree 15%

Neither agree nor disagree 14%

Somewhat disagree 22%

Strongly disagree 46%


Please indicate to what degree you would support or oppose each of the following approaches to fire and medical emergency response in the county.


The County should maintain current response times and costs

Strongly support 55%

Somewhat support 34%

Somewhat oppose 10%

Strongly oppose 2%


The County should accept longer response times at lower cost

Strongly support 4%

Somewhat support 7%

Somewhat oppose 26%

Strongly oppose 62%


The County should strive to shorten response times, even if that requires additional taxes or fees

Strongly support 31%

Somewhat support 41%

Somewhat oppose 20%

Strongly oppose 8%